How We Dream During Sleep

Dreaming is one of the most intriguing aspects of the sleep phenomenon. This is an interesting activity of the human body where stories and images are generated in the mind of the person out for rest. It is important to try to explain why we dream and how we do in a basic manner.

During the sleep there are certain stages in the brain. These stages include slow-wave sleep, slow rhythmic delta sleep, and REM sleep. Rapid eye movement or REM mostly occurs when people are dreaming. The level of brain activity at this stage is very high and is almost equal to the level of brain activity whilst the individuals are awake.

REM is known as paradoxical sleep because during this stage the body is in complete relaxation while the eyes are jerking rapidly under the eyelids. This is the time when dreaming is found to be most vivid. Researchers posit that the mind is involved in reliving emotions, memories, and knowledge acquired during the day. This processing makes us to be able to learn and to remember things better .

As it has been established dreams can be subject to various factors. The dream may be influenced by things that people experience in their day to day life and even the thoughts and feelings that people may experience. For example, if you saw a horror film, you might dream at night. If it is a positive emotion then your dreams may contain positive elements such as happiness or adventure.

One theory as to why people dream is known as the continuity hypothesis. This theory implies that dream tendencies stem from reality. The mind is very active during the day and what is entertained in the mind can end up manifesting in dreams. Another theory is “Activation – synthesis hypothesis. “ This posits that dreams areGenerated by the brain to make sense of random firing of neurons during REM sleep.

It is worth mentioning that a dream can have different kinds. Some are very clear and logical, when reading them, one can almost feel like watching a movie. Still others are quirky and even almost impossible to comprehend. And at times we can even have the manipulative ability of our dreams. This is called the lucid dreaming state. The lucid dreams are the dreams where you are aware that you are dreaming and can manipulate the dream plot.

Dreams can also be nightmarish and not alwayswholesome. Bad dreams are awful events that take place while sleeping and causing one to be frightened. They include anxiety or stress disorders which occur due to stress and anxiety or traumatic experiences. On the other hand there are some dreams that are very pleasant and when we wake up in the morning we wake up fully energized and happy.

Sleeping and dreaming are also equally beneficial to our health. It affects emotions and the ability to reason and make decisions. It has been argued that lack of quality sleep, especially REM sleep, can lead to poor concentration and memory loss.

In conclusion, dreaming is a function that occurs during sleep and is crucial for health. It facilitates the way our brains allocate meaning, and it also affects our feelings and contributes to our health and well-being. So the next time you have a dream, consider it as an important input in the brain’s effort towards maintaining you healthy and balanced.


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